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Time to Align Your Organization’s Values, Mission, and Culture

Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 1.12.58 PMWe talk a lot about mission.

We talk about vision.

We don’t talk about values often. Yet, value statements are critical even in the corporate setting.

For nonprofits, our activities, integrity, and vision (i.e. values) for the world and future are everything. We know this, but we often forget to put them down on paper – to help ensure that staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters have a deep understanding of what drives us – and why we make the decisions we do when times get tough (i.e. taking certain public stances, turning down certain large donations or gifts, or eliminating certain programs or initiatives). Check out the ACLU and its “about” section; the organization’s values are apparent throughout.

Why do our values matter?

  1. They make us our best selves.
  2. They reflect the vision we want to realize.
  3. They inspire commitment and trust in our stakeholders.
  4. They provide a common core set of principles for Staff and Board to pursue.

Essentially, with clear consistent values, we lead better.

Have we intrigued your interest? Would you like to spend a little more time on this issue? Well, today’s your lucky day!  TakeTwo partnered with Foundation Center and Law Enforcement Action Partnership’s Chief Operating Officer, Darby Beck, to delve into this question and explore how we can better align our nonprofit values, mission, and culture to achieve great things. Take an hour or so out of your day and enjoy the webinar by visiting here.